The Funds are governed by a Board of Trustees.
Pension and Welfare Fund Trustees
Union Trustees
Employer Trustees
Sam Cicinelli, Chairman
Ronald Fetty, Secretary
Robert Keppler
Chris Konecki
Mark Grasseschi
Dave Mashek
Defined Contribution 401(k) Fund Trustees
Union Trustees
Employer Trustees
Mark Grasseschi, Chairman
Chris Konecki, Secretary
Ryan Haehnlein
David Lerew
Fund Administrator
Jenny Earth-Gillund
Management goal and philosophy:
The Fund Office will direct all its energies toward servicing the needs of the participants
in the Automobile Mechanics’ Local 701 Union & Industry Welfare and Pension
Funds. We will provide quality service in a financially sound and prudent manner.
We will be ethical, innovative and creative in the services we provide. The Fund
Office will maintain effective relationships with the participants, the Board of
Trustees, Participating Employers, and Fund professionals.